MISS MY TEETH!! such beautiful teeth

Friday, September 26, 2008

Been knocked down by some "sense"

Today, i had a chat with my dad. hahah and he told me something that really made sense.
Why do so many people who first started out as a lowly paid worker, still remained a lowly paid worker after so many years??

Is it because they didn't study hard enough in the past??
NO. Its because they don't have an aim in mind; a desire to do something that they really want.

Some cleaners/waitresses/serverswould grumble when their manager ask them to clear the table. In their minds, they might say "WTF! That customer is an ass to create such a mess!". But as a manager, they would say "Quickly clean up so more customer could come and business would be great!"

Thats the difference.

If, as a worker, we could think like a manager, we will be a manager one day. At the same time enjoy the job. When the opportunities come for you to shine and excel, you are prepared to grab it.

The question is "How many people would think this way?"
The answer, FEW
Thats where these few emerge to be the outstnding ones.

We have to start acting like what we want to be in the future, now.