I am so packed with emotions right now. It kinda hurts and it makes it hard for my heart to beat and pump blood normally into my brains.
I can't seem to control my brain right now. Watery substance is infiltrating my eyes, diluting my visions, flowing out imensely, leaving wet trails on my face and finally entered my mouth.
The salty, watery taste stung me. Made me realised that it all happened way to soon for us to even grasp.
Somehow i know, these goodbyes would build me and yet they are taking a part of me away with them. I'm losing parts of me which i'm willing to give. This is how it feels when you have given your genuine care, love and feelings to them. I practically threw it out there.
Especially, my best crazy encounter with Lila. I love her! and I will miss her like crazy.
I really really hope the best for her. I know all of us would cry but we'll all move on and that sucks cos that is when everything turns into memories.
The best decision i have ever made in life is to come to Finland.
I met the most wonderful people here. I feel alive and charged here.
It gave me courage.
I don't want to say goodbye.